Radical quality course

An 8-week course to obtain radical gains on bugs and delivery speed.

Learn to really measure quality in software development and delivery, going beyond DORA metrics.

Radical quality course

Has this happened to you?

  • Your CEO pulled you in an exec meeting to ask why the product is not delivering on time, or why this or that bug happened
  • Engineers are constantly complaining about the quality of the codebase and the technical debt
  • You are having trouble collaborating with the product team or support team and this is taking a toll on your team’s morale

We teach the Dantotsu methodology, adapted from the Toyota Production System to work for digital products and tech-enabled services. We have practiced this methodology in the field, and we have seen it work. We have seen it work in startups, in scale-ups, and in large corporations. We have seen it work in the US, in Europe, and in Asia.
We have seen it work in B2B, in B2C, and in B2B2C.
We have seen it work in companies that are colocated, remote, and even at the interplanetary scale (ok, maybe not the last bit).

Over 8 weeks, you will learn to:

👁️ Making quality visual using the Dantotsu methodology (it goes much further than just measuring your bug count)
⏲️ Master the 8-step procedure to solve quality problems AND prevent them from happening again, all in 24 hours.
🌳 Unearth your weak points where you can get the most leverage to win big on the capabilities that keep “bugging” your quality.

Watch the video of Dantotsu Radical Quality talk from our CEO Flavian at Flowcon France

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Trusted by innovative startups, scale-ups, and enterprises

Theodo GroupAutorabitBPI France Digital FactoryCGIARStation FIgnition ProgramOcusColoniesLivvResiVeygoThales

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Build To Sell Training

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Build To Sell Sprint

1 week to set your product on track.

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